Our Vision: Every person is able to fulfill their potential through equal access to and equity in educational options that lead to the entire spectrum of career choices.
The National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity (NAPE) is a consortium of state and local agencies, corporations, and national organizations. Through its four main areas of focus—professional development, technical assistance, research and evaluation, and advocacy—NAPE strives to achieve its mission of building educators’ capacity to implement effective solutions for increasing student access, educational equity, and workforce diversity.
NAPE and its Education Foundation share a mission, vision, and values.
Shared Mission
We build educators’ capacity to implement effective solutions for increasing student access, educational equity and workforce diversity.
Shared Vision
Every person is able to fulfill their potential through equal access to and equity in educational options that lead to the entire spectrum of career choices.
Shared Values
- Research-based approaches to program development and public policy using data to drive effective implementation.
- Responsiveness to the changing needs of the educational community and stakeholders.
- Innovative solutions to deliver cutting-edge equity strategies in an ever-changing learning environment.
- Collaborative efforts to engage with a wide range of partners to reach STEM, CTE and special populations.
NAPE operationalizes our equity values by:
- Empowering educators, administrators, and industry leaders to become change agents to disrupt and transform systems that enable inequitable outcomes by providing the tools and resources to work towards educational equity with confidence within a community of support
- Equipping educators with the ability to develop their own critical consciousness to create learning environments that centers historically marginalized people
- Centering community and student voice in all improvement efforts
- Using an intersectional lens that focuses on racial, gender, disability and other forms of social justice to mitigate systems of oppression
- Understanding historical context that has created patterns of oppression in education and amplifying the contributions of marginalized students and communities
- Approaching the work from an asset-based perspective to create a learning environment that seeks to fix the system, not the student
- Disrupting dominant culture to examine power and positionality with their accompanying advantages and disadvantages by fostering a pluralistic learning and working environment.
- Creating learning and working environments where girls, women, people within the LGBTQIA+ community and others who have been historically marginalized by gender-based discrimination are supported, celebrated, and protected.
- Adopting an anti-racist lens and practice to name, understand and abolish racism from systems, policies, practices, classrooms and workplaces.
- Committing to supporting every staff members’ continuing equity journey to improve skill and practice that contributes to a thriving organization
- Attracting and retaining a diverse staff that honors unique experiences, perspectives and identities.
- Holding ourselves accountable to these values through our policies, practices and procedures as an organization and in the ways that we engage with each other.

Our History
NAPE’s roots came from a group of dedicated state sex equity coordinators who, in 1979, formed a committee to sponsor an annual national sex equity conference.