Root Causes and Strategies

Nontraditional Career Preparation

Nontraditional Career Preparation: Root Causes & Strategies is a literature review organized into research theories, evidence, recommendations and strategies, and effective practice and resources based upon root causes. It is designed to be used by CTE professionals at secondary and postsecondary institutions.

The information is most effectively utilized when embedded in a program improvement process that involves self-study.

Career Information:Root Causes

Materials and Practices, including Assessment, Interest Inventories, and Marketing and Recruitment

Early Intervention

Characteristics of an Occupation: Job Satisfaction/Career-Family Balance/Occupational Perception/Wage Potential

Internal/Individual:Root Causes

Self-Efficacy, Attribution, and Stereotype Threat

Societal Issues:Root Causes

Media (negative), Media (positive), Peers, Role Models/Mentoring, Collaboration