IM STEM Network Meeting – January 29, 2018
Review of NSF INCLUDES and the IM STEM Project by Mimi Lufkin
Mimi Lufkin has over 40 years of experience as an educator advocating for access, equity and diversity in education and workforce development. She has been a high school teacher, teacher educator, founder and executive director of a microenterprise development program for low income rural women, director of a statewide gender equity professional development program and a community college director of development. From 1994 to 2018, Mimi served as the Chief Executive Officer of the National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity (NAPE) and continues to support NAPE in her retirement as CEO Emerita. |
A PDF of the Intermountain STEM (IM STEM) Project powerpoint presentation for 1/29/18 can be viewed here >>
NSF INCLUDES five elements of collaborative infrastructure – vision; partnerships; goals and metrics; leadership and communication; and potential for expansion, impact, and scale.
Vision – The IM STEM Launch Pilot’s vision is to create a cross-state alliance of formal education system partners that are committed to systems change that creates a culture of success for every student in STEM, ultimately leading to a more diverse STEM workforce.
Participating States – Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, and Wyoming.
Mission/Common Agenda – IM STEM’s mission is to broaden participation and close achievement gaps in 7-12 undergraduate STEM education, by scaling effective practices that close these gaps at the critical junctures that currently limit the participation of underrepresented students in STEM pathways.
Outcome Metrics – High school STEM course completion and entrance into STEM majors as an undergraduate in a community college or 4-year.
Component I – Leadership and Infrastructure Development – The goal is to build a six-state collective impact initiative with committed stakeholder organizations from government, business, and education focused on the mission of closing equity gaps in STEM education by having a common agenda, shared measurement, mutually reinforcing activities, continuous communication, and backbone support.
Component II – Intervention Implementation – The goal is to PIlot NAPE’s professional development program with high school and/or community college faculty in at least one site in each state by having comprehensive educational equity programs and workshops.
Workgroup Overviews
The following describes the workgroups and tasks they will be engaged in for IMSTEM
Outreach/Growth – Identify and build on existing networks of key stakeholders that include government, educators, businesses, nonprofit, and community, to align common agendas, objectives, and activities.
Metrics, Data Collection, and Reporting – Strengthen improved data gathering to support root cause analysis and shared outcome measurement of critical juncture solutions.
Communication and Resource Sharing – Expand the capacity of managed communication to develop effective partnership strategies within and among state STEM education and workforce stakeholders.
Asset Map Building – Determine initial and potential long-term project boundaries and opportunities.
Effective Practice Scaling – Define and develop measured units of change documenting critical juncture transitions that are empirically supported, scalable, and sustainable.
Pilot Monitoring – Implement NAPE’s PD with a cohort of STEM educators in at least one secondary school district or community college in each of the six participating states.
How to Get Involved
Grow the Network, participate in a workgroup, participate in quarterly Network meetings, attend Equity Leadership Summit, and join the IM STEM group on Trellis (