Make the Future™, Connecting Girls to Manufacturing aims to encourage women and girls, especially those of color, to take part in STEM education and pursue advanced manufacturing careers.


Make the Future, funded by Toyota USA Foundation, provides free methods and tools to help educators, counselors, administrators, and recruiters break down barriers. These barriers limit women and other underrepresented students from taking education paths that lead to high-demand advanced manufacturing careers.
Free tools to download
Advanced manufacturing careers allow creativity to shine.
Be part of a dynamic, successful team.
Make a Difference
Help solve problems.
Create Effective Messages
It isn’t always what you say, but how you say it. Click below to download customizable collateral and resources to help you inspire girls to engage in STEM and advanced manufacturing.
Connect with Your Audience
Use Effective Strategies
Introduction to the Nine Best Practices
Inspire Girls to Consider STEM Careers
Support Girls to Explore Advanced Manufacturing
Expand Girl’s Career Options

Have questions or want to participate? Contact Brittany Brady.