Eliminating Barriers Through Culturally Responsive Teaching


Eliminating Barriers Through Culturally Responsive Teaching fosters an equitable learning experience through the promotion of belonging. Research shows that when educators are responsive to diverse cultural norms of behavior and communication in the school and classroom, students can have increased interest, motivation, persistence, and achievement. NAPEā€™s Culturally Responsive Teaching workshop provides an opportunity to move beyond an ā€œintegratedā€ or ā€œdiverseā€ classroom ā€“one where students are placed into a system that may not reflect their culture, backgrounds, or identity ā€“to one where students understand that they, and their cultural contexts, are a deeply valued part of the learning environment. Participants will learn the aspects of a culturally responsive educator and be equipped with strategies to increase belonging by bringing student identities and cultural backgrounds to the center of their practices.

Target Audience

Secondary/Postsecondary Teachers/Staff,Ā  Administrators, Counselors, Support Staff


Virtual or face-to-face; approach can be customized to meet the needs of educators

Examples of Impact

This training has changed my perspective, not only on my students, but on my approach and delivery in the classroom.

NAPEā€™s professional development solutions are designed to assist teams of educators to address specific needs related to: equitable learning environments, student academic success and ultimately, readiness to pursue high-wage, high-skill, high-demand careers.Ā