NAPE Affiliates met for an informal Lunch and Learn Affinity Group January 29th as part of a Monthly Affiliates Affinity Group meeting.

The January meeting featured NAPE Executive Committee Member, Joseph Green, with the DC Office of State Superintendent of Education. Joe presented on Access, Equity and Inclusion in the District.
Serving Washington DC’s public and public charter schools in support of Career Technical Education (CTE) funding and programming, Joe works with several workforce development District agencies, corporate and civic leaders who are also committed to preparing DC youth for high-wage, in-demand careers. His primary work also ensures high schools and local education agencies (LEAs) provide equal access and enforce non-discriminatory policies, so that all students are given full consideration and accessibility to career pathway opportunities without prejudice or bias. At the Office of the State Superintendent of Education, Joe also reviews Perkins V local applications, coordinates civil rights and Perkins V monitoring reviews.