Invitation from NAPE President-Elect

January 16, 2017, was the national holiday honoring Martin Luther King, Jr.―pastor, activist, humanitarian, leader, father, and husband. Like many of our NAPE Equity Partners, he held many titles and roles. He juggled responsibilities and left an indelible mark on the world.
King’s legacy teaches us the value of our passion to build, create, and do on behalf of others. I hope you agree that our work is more than a mission statement. You and I work hard every day to encourage our students, staff, and other key stakeholders to persevere so that we can create a learning environment that makes the world a better place.
King’s message about how “the affect on one indirectly affects us all” speaks to the benefits of attending the National Summit for Educational Equity, in Arlington, VA, on April 24-27. I encourage you to register for the Summit, where participants will learn from experts and through dialogue with fellow equity professionals on how to help students meet the challenges of our fast-paced world and achieve personal successes that add value to our interconnected society.
I am honored to have the opportunity to share this moment of power and possibility with you. Through Martin Luther King, Jr.’s legacy and through our collective work as NAPE members, we are destined to inspire others through our present and future acts of personal power, compassion, and greatness.
May you have a wonderful day and seek ways to be of service to others.
Carolyn Zachry, EdD
National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity