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NAPE Award Archives

Equity Champions Awards Archives Each year, NAPE and the NAPE Education Foundation accept nominations for Equity Leaders in several categories and honors the awardees during a special ceremony at the National Summit for Educational Equity. NAPE and the NAPE Education Foundation have a shared vision that every student is able

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Support Services

Review the Theory and Evidence. Recommendations and Strategies Conduct nontraditional student support groups and peer counseling: A group of studies found the following retention strategies to be effective: (1) access to nontraditional student clubs and team support systems and (2) participation in math clubs, competitions, and after-school programs.  Provide orientation

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Homeless Students: Resources

The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Public Law 115-224) made several amendments to the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 relating to homeless individuals.  These amendments include designating “homeless individuals” as a “special population” and adding a new requirement that state

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Equity Leader Academy – Pilot Program

Equity Leadership Academy for States Amplify Equity in Perkins V Executive Summary Full Project Report State agencies that use the right approach have the opportunity to lead Perkins V implementations with equity as the focal point. These states will enable more equitable educational outcomes for our most vulnerable students. Overview

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Request for Professional Development or Services

NAPE offers research-based, strategy-driven, practical-application-focused professional development services that equip educators with tools to address specific school needs related to equitable learning environments, student academic success and ultimately, college and career readiness. To assist NAPE in providing services that are consistent with your objectives and that meets the needs of

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Eliminating Barriers Through Culturally Responsive Teaching

Eliminating Barriers Through Culturally Responsive Teaching Summary Eliminating Barriers Through Culturally Responsive Teaching fosters an equitable learning experience through the promotion of belonging. Research shows that when educators are responsive to diverse cultural norms of behavior and communication in the school and classroom, students can have increased interest, motivation, persistence,

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Ensuring Equity in Problem Based Learning

Ensuring Equity in Problem Based Learning Summary Ensuring Equity in Problem-Based Learning is designed to assist educators in creating, evaluating, and administering equitable and effective STEM projects and problem based learning (PBL) lessons. NAPE’s PBL for Equity Rubric centers the PBL process through an equity lens that centers the student

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Strategies for Special Populations Success

Strategies for Special Populations Success NAPE provides professional development, technical assistance, and resources of effective strategies for increasing access and success of special population students in career and technical education. Special population students as defined in The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) include: individuals

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Review the Theory and Evidence. Recommendations and Strategies* Provide comprehensive professional development: Teachers who receive rich and sustained professional development, and professional development that is geared toward higher-order thinking skills and concrete activities, are more likely to engage in effective classroom practices. Stress professional development self-assessment: Train teachers on how

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Support Services Theory and Evidence

Review the Recommendations, Strategies, Effective Practices, and Resources What the Literature Says* Theory Students enrolled in nontraditional career and technical education programs who receive support services are more likely to succeed. Evidence Nontraditional employment programs that offer tutoring, mentoring, support groups, child care, and transportation report greater success rates with

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Data Matters in Determining CTE Equity

On Nov. 2-4, the US Dept. of Education (USDOE) Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE) held its annual Data Quality Institute (DQI) in Washington, DC. The theme of this year’s DQI was “Identifying and Addressing Equity Gaps in CTE.”  Lauren Hall, associate public policy director for the National Alliance

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